

Small Fires

Thursday, July 2, 2015

On January 19th Box 1215 was sounded for a townhouse on fire on Baylis Street in Wilton. Engine 12 arrived to find smoke coming from the front door but the smoke was not under pressure. A water supply was established and an attack line stretched. The crew found a significant smoke coundtion inside and a fire in the 2nd floor kitchen. The Ladder Company (28) arrived and completed the laddering, searches and the rear report. The fire was quickly contained and no extension was found. Searches were negative. Units remained on the scene for 40 minutes. There were no injuries.


On January 21st Box 0971 was sounded for a restaurant on fire. Engine 9 and Ladder 9 arrived to find a fire in the wall with a smoke condition inside. Engine 12 arrived and was detailed to assist with checking for extension. Companies remained on the scene for 30 minutes. There were no injuries.


On January 21 the snow arrived. There are a few pictures of CFC operating in the snow at a box alarm that turned out to be minor in nature.